Auction Services
Real Property Broker Price Opinions
Quality Information is the most critical element in making accurate decisions. House Auction Company offers Broker Price Opinions and Comparative Market Analysis on single or multiple properties. Our wide range of resources and experience allows us to provide clients with reliable data in which to formulate the optimum marketing strategy for their properties.
Strategic Marketing Approach
Marketing real estate and assets to achieve the maximum return is a specialized process requiring multiple fields of expertise. Our marketing resources are the most sophisticated in the auction business. We utilize the incredible power of the Internet, to include search engine optimization strategies, subscriber based websites and social media techniques. By integrating our cutting edge Internet advertising with traditional print ads, radio & television, targeted direct mail campaign and impressive signs, we are able to demonstrate market value on auction day.
House Auction Company is the fiduciary agent of any client that engages our services. Confidentiality is a fundamental principle of our relationship. Your business is kept for your auspices only; it is never “on the street”.
Closing Process
Most auction firms will tell you how many properties they offered at auction, not how many got they offered actually got closed.
In the past 2 years House Auction Company has closed 91% of properties offered at auction.
This success rate is significantly in excess of competitors due to an exceptional
closing tracking system that monitors and coordinates the closing process to completion.
House Auctions marketing activities are the most sophisticated in the auction business. We utilize the incredible power of the Internet, and have made a complete study of the necessities of marketing in this environment, and have no peer in its use. Our clients are actually able to view the effectiveness of any marketing campaign on an entirety basis or asset by asset.
Results are available on a asset by asset or by the entirety of a multiple asset campaign. All marketing campaigns are key word linked for effectiveness; the print ads carry reference to the Internet, Internet to the print ads, television, email blasts and mailers/signage to all.